You will find yourself in one of the most adventurous and scenic places in the world making your fresh powder turns. This is an old and historic world that benefits from being so close to Europe and the Black Sea.

Svanetia is situated on the southern slopes of the central Caucasus mountains and is surrounded by some 3,000–5,000 meter peaks.

Our playground and base is located in the village of Mestia (1500 meters), which has always been regarded as the chief community of Zemo, or Svaneti province. Despite its small size, the town-let was an important centre of Georgian culture for centuries and contains a number of medieval monuments, such as churches and forts, included in a list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Heliskiing here is unique for many reasons. You will have access to a tremendous large area (1500km2) with a variety of slopes and descents perfect for Heliskiing. The Northern and colder faces hold the most Powder with some incredible scenic settings that you’ll never forget.

This place is unique not only as a Heliski destination but also the chance to experience the culture and the food and wine. (Georgia is reputed to be the first place in the world to produce wine some 8.000 years ago).

On non-flying days (caused by bad weather) there are a number of resorts and lifts we can utilize to ski the tree runs and ensure skiing every day even in poor weather. There is some interesting Freeride terrain located within the small lift systems of Tetnuldi and Hatsvali. Tetnuldi has high Alpine lifts and is only 20min drive away and Hatsvali is located in our Village and is a tremendous place for Tree-skiing when the really big snow dumps are happening and the trees are needed to be able to see!
Mestia has been on the map for some years as the getaway mountain resort for many Georgians, but is considered as a fairly new Heli ski destination with only one operator until recently.

See the full process from the moment you give us a call to when you skiing down the beautiful snowy mountains of Georgia right here.

The terrain really has a great variety and interesting descents. You will find everything from High Alpine Glaciers to runs below tree line. You can expect descents of an incredible 1.800 meters!

Most of the slopes in Svanetia region are above the treeline. There is a variety of steepness and that can often be adapted to skill level in the group.

Safety first, so skiing in the most steep terrain will only take place when conditions allow it.

Our base is Posta Mestia located in the very heart of Mestia, this hotel offers its guests stylish and cozy rooms with views of the breathtaking Caucasus mountains. There is a super restaurant serving local cuisine and a bar that will hear many tales of the day’s adventures. Besides you will find a heated pool and sauna in the basement.

We will be using AS350B3 helicopter with a highly experienced local pilot and qualified GMGA Guide, this means 4 guests’ skiers or Boarders per Heli + the guide. There will be max 8 guest sharing two Helicopters. These are versatile machines and perfect for the terrain. We will aim to fly 5 days with a spare day included in the event of a down day. In the event that weather conditions prevent flying, we will opt for skiing at a nearby resort.

The highest mountain in Georgia, Mount Shkhara at 5.201 meters is located in the province. Other prominent peaks include Tetnuldi (4.974 meters), Shota Rustaveli (4.960 meters), Mount Ushba (4.710 meters), Ailama (4.525 meters), as well as many others.




There are a number of connections departing from European cities to Tbilisi (TBS), Kutaisi (KUT) og Batumi (BUS). Be aware of extra charges for bringing ski equipment. Also note that there are special rules that only allow traveling with a certain type of cartridge for avalanche airbags (ABS). It is a good idea to contact the airline and provide a statement about the type of cartridge you plan to bring. Eastern Snow is happy to help with advice on the optimal flight connection.


We will meet you at the airport and transfer by minibus for 5 hours (Kutaisi) or 6hrs (Batumi) to your Hotel


Our base is Posta Mestia, where you’ll spend 6 nights in the heart of Svaneti with access to all the surrounding nature and beauty as well as non-ski entertainment and cultural things to see and visit.


The trip includes full board accommodation. In the Hotel, you’ll be eating gourmet meals every evening. We choose to mix it 50/50 eating partly in hotel and partly in some of the local restaurants in town. There is a heated pool and sauna located in the basement, available in the afternoon for your enjoyment and relaxation before dinner.

In the morning you’ll have a hearty breakfast and later there’ll be lunch in the terrain.

Skiing ability

A certain degree of basic fitness is assumed and that you will have experience in off-piste terrain from previous trips. During the booking process one of our agents will discuss your level openly.


Safety is naturally always a priority when heliskiing in Georgia and on any of our trips. GMGA guides with knowledge of the local area will guide you all the way. They are there to ensure your safety, and in the event of an accident they know what to do and how to get you directly off the mountain to a safe zone or Hospital if required.

Avalanche equipment including air bags will be available if you do not have them. On arrival we will conduct a security briefing and ensure or refresh knowledge on use of the safety equipment.

You will have to make sure that you have the appropriate insurances to be covered Off-Piste and in Georgia. You can read more about it here. You can read more about it here.

Passport and visa

It is very important that the information in your passport matches what is on your ticket. No visa is required to enter the country.

Extra info

The power plugs are 220v and of the same type as in most Northern European countries (not UK).


Prices and weeeks



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22 Feb. – 1. Mar. 2025


Furthermore, you can:

Not included:



GEORGIA tour flow


Ved bestillingen af en tur, vil du blive kontaktet af vores rejseleder. Rejselederen vil forventningsafstemme med dig, så vi sikre os, at du får alt den information, som du har behov for så du kan træffe dit valg om dit næste skieventyr.


Efter betalingen af din rejse, så sender vi dig en ordrebekræftelse, pakkeliste og et rejseprogram for turen.


Vi holder dig løbende orienteret om turen og eventuelle detaljer. 




Når vi er nået frem til vores destination vil du/I får en sikkerhedsbriefing. Vi vil på denne måde sikre os, at du/I har bedst mulige forudsætninger for ikke kan komme galt afsted i off-piste situationer.


Ud over ski/snowboard ture, arrangerer vi også sociale ting som sauna, middage og evt. øl om aftenen. Disse er  dog bestemt af hvilket slags vejr vi bliver udsat for.


Vi hjælper dig hele vejen hjem. Vores rejseleder tager med i lufthavnen og sørger for, at du/I kommer sikkert hjem.


Kontakt os endelig, hvis der skulle være flere spørgsmål!

Indkvartering i GEORGIA

Få ny powder

Tilmeld nyhedsbrevet nu

GEORGIA tour flow

Expectations of the trip

When booking the trip, one of our travel team members will contact you. Here we will match your expectations for the trip, to secure that you have all the information about the planned trip.

Payment of the trip

After payment for the trip has been received, we will send you an order confirmation, a packing list, and a program for the tour


We will keep you updated about the trip.



Safety brief

When we have reached our destination, you’ll receive a security briefing. We want to make sure that you have the best prerequisites to not get hurt when riding off-piste.

Daily experiences

Apart from skiing and snowboarding, we also arrange social events like going to the sauna, dinners and beers in the evening. These events are however decided by what kind of weather we’re exposed to.


We will assist you all the way. Our travel guide will bring you to one of the Airports and make sure you get safely back on your flight home.

We wish you a fantastic trip!

Contact us if you have additional questions!

Accommodations in GEORGIA

Get new powder


Are we awesome or can we still improve?

Give us feedback!

Are you not fully satisfied?

If there is  something about our experience that you are not fully satisfied with, then quickly reach out. And remember that you can always find advice and guidance and file a complaint with Pakkerejse-Ankenævnet (Package Tour Appeal Board).
